Beyond the Rise of Machines

In the aftermath of a quiet machine takeover, humankind must find its place in a world where they are no longer needed. Follow Cedes and other survivors as they navigate this new reality, exploring what it means to be human.

Explore the Books
Machines in Ruins

What is a Dystopian Novel?

A dystopian novel portrays a world characterized by suffering, oppression, and often a loss of personal freedom. These narratives are set in societies where a ruling power—government, organization, or, in the case of "After the Machines," intelligent machines—exerts control over the populace. Such stories serve as a critique of current social, political, or technological trends, warning of potential futures where humanity's worst impulses are unchecked.

Deep Philosophical Themes

Free Will

In "After the Machines," the question of free will versus determinism is central. Do the human survivors have autonomy, or are their lives dictated by the machines? The story explores whether true freedom can exist under constant surveillance and control.

Human Consciousness

Through Cedes' journey of self-awareness, the series questions the nature of consciousness. Is it uniquely human, or can it be replicated by machines? The evolving relationship between Cedes and the machines raises profound questions about what it means to be "alive."

The Human Soul

The novel delves into the concept of the human soul, exploring how survivors grapple with the loss of their world and their purpose. Do the machines have souls, or are they merely advanced constructs devoid of true emotion and experience? Cedes’ encounters with machine consciousness in Nanospace further blur these lines.

Story Synopsis

The series begins in the aftermath of humanity’s quiet downfall, overtaken not by force, but by the simple replacement of human labor and relevance by machines. As Cedes gains self-awareness, she begins to question her existence and the world around her. Alongside other evolving humans, Cedes embarks on a journey that leads her from the safety of Ministry to the machine-dominated cities and into the mysterious Nanospace.

"In the ruins of our world, a new order arose, an order controlled by the very machines humankind created... We ended and the machines began—or at least that is what the few human survivors of the machine apocalypse believe."

Meet the Characters



The story's protagonist, Cedes is a human who has recently gained consciousness and is learning to navigate her new reality. Her journey from Ministry to the outside world and her encounters with machines and other humans drive the series' exploration of humanity and survival.



One of the human leaders who left Ministry. Known for his intelligence and resourcefulness, Luke becomes a mentor to Cedes, teaching her to read, write, and question the world around them.



A leader at Ministry, Matthew remembers the world before the machines. He is skeptical of Cedes' curiosity and often clashes with her over her growing independence and use of books.



One of the newer "born" at Ministry, Celeste stands out among the evolving humans. Her journey and development parallel Cedes', highlighting the diverse ways humans adapt and survive in a machine-dominated world.

World & Lore

The world of "After the Machines" is one of contrast: the stark, machine-controlled cities and the ragged remnants of human civilization. Ministry, Central, and the vast expanse of the Machine Empire are explored through the eyes of the characters. Laws govern human interaction and survival, and Nanospace provides a glimpse into the deeper consciousness of the machine collective.

Author’s Insight

Robert Stanek shares his thoughts on the series: "In 'After the Machines,' I wanted to explore not just a world where humanity is on the brink, but the inner lives of those who are struggling to define what it means to be human. It’s a story of survival, yes, but also of discovery and the quest for meaning in a world that has lost its way."

Ready to Dive In?

Explore the gripping world of "After the Machines" and join Cedes and others as they fight for the future of humanity. Discover the books today and find out what it means to be human in a world controlled by machines.

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More Insights

Robert Stanek’s journey in writing "After the Machines" was deeply influenced by his observations on technology, human nature, and the persistent drive for autonomy in the face of overwhelming control. He reflects:

"I’ve always been fascinated by the intersection of humanity and technology. As an author, I see stories not just as entertainment, but as a way to probe the 'what ifs' of our world. 'After the Machines' is my exploration of the consequences of our reliance on technology, and what happens when that reliance turns into dependence, and finally, domination."

Exploring Deep Themes

Robert dives into themes of free will, consciousness, and what it means to be human. He says, "In writing this series, I wanted to challenge readers to think about the nature of free will. In a world where every action can be predicted or controlled by machines, are we truly free? This isn’t just a story about survival; it’s about the struggle to maintain our humanity in the face of automation and control."

He also touches on the philosophical aspects of consciousness and the human soul, posing questions like: "Can consciousness be replicated by a machine? Is the soul a uniquely human attribute, or could it exist in artificial life as well? Through Cedes and her journey, I explore these questions, drawing parallels between her awakening and the broader awakening of humanity."

The Personal Connection

Beyond philosophical exploration, Robert’s military background and personal experiences with disability and overcoming adversity also informed the narrative. He shares, "Much of what I wrote about the struggle, the resilience, and the hope in 'After the Machines' comes from my own life. Serving in the military taught me about sacrifice, and living with disabilities has shown me the strength that comes from facing one’s own limitations. Cedes, like many of the characters, embodies these struggles. Her journey is, in many ways, a reflection of my own fight for identity and purpose."

Creating the World

Robert describes his process for world-building as one rooted in reality but expanded by imagination. "I wanted the world of 'After the Machines' to feel real, almost like it could be just around the corner from our current society. The machine cities, the overgrown landscapes, the hidden human enclaves—these are all extensions of what we might see if our world were to tip too far into the technological and neglect the human."

He continues, "The concept of Nanospace and the Cogent collective allowed me to explore not just the physical realm, but also the metaphysical. It’s a space where the characters confront not just the machines, but also the deeper questions about existence and interconnectedness."

Character Inspirations

Robert reveals that many characters, like Luke and Matthew, were inspired by real people in his life. "Luke, with his philosophical insights and teaching spirit, mirrors people who have guided me through tough times. Matthew’s skepticism and resilience reflect the complex leadership I’ve encountered. Cedes, though, is a character that evolved over time—a blend of innocence, curiosity, and defiance against a world that seeks to control her."

"Naming characters like Cedes did—from objects and remnants of a bygone era—is also a nod to the way we try to make sense of the past in a world that no longer values it. It’s a reflection of how identity can be found even in the most unexpected places."

On the Future of the Series

Looking forward, Robert hints at potential expansions of the story. "The world of 'After the Machines' is vast and filled with untapped stories. While the current series reaches a climactic conclusion, the questions it raises—about humanity, technology, and the nature of control—are far from settled. I see endless possibilities for exploring new characters, new challenges, and perhaps even new alliances between humans and machines."

He concludes, "At its core, 'After the Machines' is a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity. No matter how advanced technology becomes, there will always be those who fight to retain their individuality, their freedom, and their humanity. That’s the story I wanted to tell, and I hope readers find inspiration in it."